Isaac Ross, Sr. MOORES (IW)
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Additional MOORES Surnames in SALEM PIONEER Cemetery
MOORES, AltheaMOORES, AltheaMOORES, John HenryMOORES, Virginia LafayetteMOORES, Carroll LMOORES, Charles HMOORES, Ellen RMOORES, FlorenceMOORES, Gordon CMOORES, IsaacMOORES, JaneMOORES, IsaacMOORES, JaneMOORES, Isaac RossMOORES, John HenryMOORES, Virginia LafayetteMOORES, John HenryMOORES, Virginia LafayetteMOORES, Mary MatildaMOORES, Mary MatildaMOORES, Mary EstelleMOORES, MaryMOORES, monumentMOORES, WillieMOORES, Wylie AMOORES, Alice MadisonMOORES, Kenneth AlbertMOORES, Albert NewtonMOORES, Cora Lamira Additional MOORES Surnames in MARION County
MOORES, IsaacMOORES, LydiaMOORES, OliveMOORES, Charles HMOORES, Sophia CMOORES, Ephraim ThurmanMOORES, Ida MaeMOORES, Fern GladysMOORES, Frank MelvinMOORES, Isaac LittleMOORES, Myrtle MillieMOORES, JamesMOORES, Lydia Hannah
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Submitted: 3/6/08 • Approved: 1/19/09 • Last Updated: 2/12/18 • R2752-G0-S3
Col. I. R. Moores
Mar 23, 1796 Madison Co., Kentucky
April 15, 1861, Lane co.
Served as a soldier under Gen. Andrew Jackson in 1818
Commanded a Regiment in the Blackhawk War in 1832
A member of the Oregon Constitutional Convention.
Oregon Pioneers of 1852
Contributed on 3/6/08 by patriciacarson3
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Record #: 2752